Product modularity and materials science, one example

Product modularity and materials science, one example

05 January, 2020 1 min read
modularity, materials, technology

People nowadays hear the world “technology” and imagine all kinds of digital tralala. We mechanical engineers know better.

As an example, take the traditional and venerable concept of a slide valve that has traditionally been made entirely out of metal parts.

Now upgrade it by lining its body and blade with a sophisticated technopolymer called SINT® MC.

In one fell swoop you get:

  • Improved sealing for dust-proof operation, thanks to components’ newfound compliance.
  • Improved flow without dead spots, thanks to reduced friction.
  • Vastly reduced wear, thanks to the technopolymer’s abrasion-resistant material properties.

Then, change the blade material to stainless steel 304 and line everything in SINT® AL.

Your slide valve is now “food-grade” and certified for use in processing foodstuff.


  1. Modularity in product design/architecture is clever, especially if you know the customer needs and application space well.
  2. Technological advances are all around us, not exclusively in bits and bytes.
  3. Materials science is often the ace in the engineer’s sleeve.

“Technology” is not only about bits and bytes.