What comes after Agile?

What comes after Agile?

08 September, 2022 1 min read
Agile, organizations, hype

This is a response to Soumen Sarkar’s response to my comment and a follow-up to “The prevalence of methodological kabuki theaters” .

After Agile comes Bagile, Cagile, and so on…

Agile frameworks do have uniforms: it’s the “Certified SAFe practitioner”, “LeSS coach” and other headline badges – exactly like the PMP PRINCE2 PMPDOASD CASD Black Belt badges of years past.

“Bagile” already exists: it’s called “Product-led growth” (PLG), and it’s the emperor’s new clothes. Software people suddenly had the epiphany that product use by itself can drive customer acquisition and a higher CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

Wow. Much insight. Very wisdom. Wow.

I don’t dare to imagine what “Cagile” will be. My wildest bets will turn out to be lukewarm fiction compared to the acts of ahistorical BS-bingo that will be perpetrated upon the insecure and the easily impressed.

It’s a safe prediction, however, that even without all the Kabuki theater of *agile tralala, good customer-focused products will be launched early, fast, at low risk, etc. … and none shall be the wiser about why so, and also none shall be the wiser about why so despite the lack of tralala.

The Incredible Story of Deft explores this question, not only for Agile, but for all similar “miracle cures”.