It has been a productive weekend full of learning Elixir, and my first-ever serious Elixir project is now open-source under the Apache-2.0 license.
VatchexGreece is an Elixir library to easily pull company information from the SOAP web service of the Greek General Secretariat of Information Systems for Public Administration (GSIS) using the VAT ID (Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου, abbreviated as “ΑΦΜ” or “Α.Φ.Μ.”).
While further developing the microservices landscape of TECTRA Ltd over the past 10 months, I saw first-hand the practical difficulties of deploying and integrating microservices, again and again, especially when they use each other’s data. Thus, I have started reimplementing parts of the landscape, piecemeal, in Elixir, to be later integrated in a Phoenix LiveView project (now that Phoenix hit 1.7!)
One of the things I found missing from the Elixir packages ecosystem was the functionality that VatchexGreece now delivers.