Ollamex v0.2.0 released, now supports the /embeddings endpoint

Ollamex v0.2.0 released, now supports the /embeddings endpoint

14 January, 2024 2 min read
elixir, software, open source, API, LLM, embeddings

Ollamex v0.2.0 has been released, now with support for the /embeddings API endpoint of ollama version 0.1.20 for generating embeddings using self-hosted LLMs (Large Language Models).

The /chat, /generate and /embeddings endpoints all return different data structures, and the latter in particular simply returns a list of floats without any other information, but it works. I expect that the ollama.ai team will in the future change this, and this will make another update of Ollamex necessary.

There are now two new functions, Ollamex.embeddings/2 and Ollamex.embeddings_with_timeout/3. The former still takes an %Ollamex.PromptRequest{} struct and an %Ollamex.API{} struct as arguments, and the latter also takes an optional timeout value in milliseconds, though this is for consistency with the other functions, since the /embeddings endpoint doesn’t suffer from the same problem of endless \n and \t repetitions.


  iex> p = %Ollamex.PromptRequest{model: "llama2", prompt: "Explain the main features and benefits of the Elixir programming language in a single, concise paragraph."}
    model: "llama2",
    prompt: "Explain the main features and benefits of the Elixir programming language in a single, concise paragraph.",
    raw: false,
    format: nil,
    stream: true,
    options: nil,
    images: []
  iex> Ollamex.embeddings(p, api)
    context: nil,
    created_at: nil,
    done: nil,
    eval_count: nil,
    eval_duration: nil,
    model: "llama2",
    prompt_eval_count: nil,
    prompt_eval_duration: nil,
    response: nil,
    total_duration: nil,
    message: nil,
    embedding: [-1.6268974542617798, -1.4279855489730835, -0.46105068922042847,
    0.7557640671730042, -0.17748284339904785, ...],
    errors: nil

Ollamex v0.2.0 is also released with an Apache 2.0 license.