I recently deployed obidenticon , my Phoenix LiveView app that serves as an online demo of my IdenticonSvg Elixir library for generating identicons as inline SVG.
While developing another piece of software, I wanted to make the profile pictures and the identicons serving as temporary profile pictures prettier, without simply using tailwind classes such as rounded-md
So, I wrote a very small Elixir library called Squircle
that generates parameterized squircles
as inline SVG. These are then used by IdenticonSvg to crop the square identicon. The library also offers the image/5
function, which generates SVG code that wraps the image located at the href
URL within a parameterized squircle.
Obidenticon has now been upgraded to the latest version 0.9.5 of IdenticonSvg , with a checkbox for toggling the squircle cropping, and a number input field (-4 to 1.35) for controlling the “curvature” parameter of the squircle SVG path:
As before, obidenticon can be found at https://obidenticon.overbring.com