Agilistas, it's time to face the music

Agilistas, it’s time to face the music

15 December, 2022 1 min read
Agile, organizations, hype

Come on, everyone associated with “the Agile movement” and with SAFe in particular: admit that SAFe is the same type of silver-bullet management BS that Six Sigma used to be, and move on to perform actual work with others, instead of from the sidelines of business in priestly roles and holy processes.

Here’s a prediction: in 5-7 years it will be widely accepted that SAFe was yet another passing fad that added little beyond legitimizing command-and-control by pretending it’s agile, your certifications will command zero attention from HR or hiring managers, and you will have moved to the next management fad that gullible managers will think provides them with some CYA regarding proof of your skills or legitimizing you in a new organizational straitjacket.

It’s OK, it happens all the time; it happened to Lean, Six Sigma, Design Thinking, Agile, and everything else that gets infested by coaches coaching coaching on coaching coaches how to coach coaches coaching coaches.

Just don’t pretend that it’s not all a big money-making merry-go-round that will, eventually, lose steam.

Read Deft for the full “prophecy”…