How to increase the speed and quality of product development? - The Puzzle S01E01 [001]

05 October, 2023 2 min read
product development, process, time to market, speed


In this episode of The Puzzle, Isaak and Bruno tackle the question of increasing the speed and quality of a product development process. Bruno and Isaak delve into various aspects of enhancing product development processes in modern organizations. They explore how critical it is to understand and communicate the end goals behind engineering decisions to ensure alignment within teams and with stakeholders. The discussion touches on two distinct but equally important job functions that engineers often juggle: meeting customer needs while also considering market competition. Specifically, they emphasize the importance of creating devices small enough for palm-sized convenience, yet slightly smaller than competitors to serve as a unique selling point in marketing strategies.

Their conversation sheds light on the challenges that can arise when engineers lack clear communication about design specifications, potentially leading to oversights and missed opportunities. This highlights the significance of transparency within teams and ensuring everyone is informed about why certain technical decisions are being made—it’s not only a matter of precision but also one of preserving marketing narratives that can shape consumer perception.

Moreover, they emphasize bringing engineers closer to end-users by providing them with firsthand experiences of how their products function in real-world scenarios. This approach enables more empathetic and informed product design choices because engineers who see users interact with the product directly often gain fresh insights that can drive innovation. By connecting the dots between technical development, marketing strategy, and user experience, they propose a holistic methodology for fostering rapid yet high-quality product improvements.

This episode from The Puzzle Podcast is not only insightful but also serves as valuable wisdom for listeners who are curious about enhancing their own product development processes. It encourages patience in decision-making, avoiding hasty conclusions to achieve better outcomes in innovation and business growth.